SAVE THE DATE! We are pleased to announce that the ESCAPE Final Event will take place between 25 and 26 October 2022, at the Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences, located in Brussels (Belgium).
We invite you to join us in Brussels or through remote connection. Please note we have a limit of 150 registrations for those who aim to join us in Brussels, so we advice to save your seat at earliest. Registration is open till 24 September 23:59 CEST.
The event is open to all and free of charge. More detailed information about the event programme will be available soon.
Purpose and Scope
As the ESCAPE project is coming to its end, the members of the cluster will share their results and achievements, and discuss the future of the ESCAPE Collaboration. ESCAPE to the Future wil be dedicatd to present ESCAPE services, achievements, future challenges and good practices.
Who should attend?
ESCAPE project members, as well as members of other Science Clusters, EOSC-Association members, ESFRI and other Research Infrastructure representatives. Astrophysics, Particle and Nuclear Physics scientific community members and all those interested in the ESCAPE services and in EOSC overall.
Key Benefits
Learn about the ESCAPE results and forsee the future after the end of the ESCAPE project.
REGISTER NOW (till 24 September 23:59 CEST)
Do you have a question? Mail us at contact@projectescape.eu