On December 5 and 6, 2022, join DICE at the EOSC Future webinar on Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities – Benefits & opportunities.
EOSC Future and the INFRAEOSC-07 projects (C-SCALE, DICE, EGI-ACE, OpenAIRE Nexus, Reliance) are hosting an online showcase event for researchers. The thematic focus of this event will be 3 UN Sustainable Development Goals: Climate action (SDG 13), Industry, Innovation & infrastructure (SDG 9) and Good health & wellbeing (SDG 3). Over 2 half-day webinars, a series of use cases, presented by real users, will show how EOSC digital assets, developed and provided by EOSC Future & the INFRAEOSC-07 projects, can help research communities throughout and beyond Europe do their work more effectively.
DICE communications lead John Favaro will be chairing the December 5 session on SDG 3, Good health and wellbeing, where Salvador Capella of DICE partner BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) will be presenting on the OpenEBench scientific benchmarking and technical monitoring platform for bioinformatics tools, web servers and workflows.
On December 6, DICE partner ASTRON will be presenting the DICE Use Case on LOFAR, the Low-Frequency Array telescope. Timothy Shimwell will speak about making radio astronomy data products from the LOFAR telescope available through DICE.
See the entire agenda and register for the webinar here!